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We need a bit more information to get you your real price. If the above estimated rate sounds interesting, you can apply in about 10 minutes online. Most people don't need a medical exam, but if you do we'll let you know. It's always convenient, easy, and free.
Not at all. It's free and you can withdraw at any time, with no fees. Plus, you can make more adjustments to your coverage after you apply, before anything is finalized.
No—this quick quote calculator gives you an estimate of what life insurance coverage could cost for you. You'll get your real rate when you apply and your application is approved. With Minalife, the application is always free.
All U.S. citizens ages 20-85 are welcome to apply. Minalife is licensed and operates in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia, excluding the state of New York.
No. After your application is approved, you can make adjustments so that you get the coverage you need at a price that works for you. A licensed Minalife expert will reach out to help you make sure you've got your bases covered.